When we first talked I didn't really know how to find my ideal client and I didn't know what to offer them either. Mona Lisa has helped me create a really good package that I feel is aligned with me and my ideal clients. I would definitely recommend Mona Lisa for anyone interested in bringing in the right kind of clients!
- Christine Nord, Enskede, Sweden
As an intuitive, introverted, empath woman who knew nothing about online coaching, Mona Lisa showed me that it's possible to have a successful business while still being true to myself. She taught me to embrace my introversion as a strength and how to create an online presence in a way that felt good to me.
- Rejys Cowan, Alpharetta, GA
I have a super solid foundation to my business that's aligned exactly with who I want to serve and how I want to serve them! Mona Lisa helped me to find my ideal customer once and for all. - Diana Lin, Hayward, CA
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